Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday, May 23

What a busy week it's been! As a follow up from a story we read in class called, "From Bees to Honey," we had a visit from Mr. Radosevich about his job as a beekeeper.  What a fascinating presentation we had.  There was a lot to learn about bees and how we get honey from bees.  If anyone wants honey products, you may contact him for more information.  We all got to try three different types of honey, and we also learned some great things.

The 5th grade class prepared the mass for the school today.  The theme of the Mass reminded us of our responsibilities as followers of Jesus.  We are to stand up for those who are mistreated just at the apostles did for Jesus.

Finally, today we had a very special guest, Mrs. Goff, come into our class and share with us the story of her son who was a doctor in the military.  She left us with a very powerful message about the importance of remembering all those who serve or have served our country.  Our prayers go out to all military families on this Memorial Day weekend.  God Bless Our Service Men and Women!

Monday, May 19, 2014


This morning in literacy we read more about bees, while preparing to be visited by Mr. Radosevich this Wednesday.  In 6th grade Social Studies we talked more about Rome and answered questions about our reports and projects due this week.  The 5th graders watched a video on the Persian war in Social Studies because they are learning about Greece.  After math class, we had more literacy in which blue had a spelling test and green along with yellow were introduced to their new words.  Later in 6th grade science we worked on a worksheet with partners.  The 5th graders worked on Venn diagrams comparing flowers and pine cones.
God Bless,
The 5th and 6th graders