June 11, 2014
These last few weeks of school have been filled with final projects, fun activities, and a peaceful retreat to Holy Hill.
We shared our end of the year book reports over the past several days, and the students really did a great job with their presentations. It is our hope that through these Powerpoint presentations, the students will get some great ideas for their own summer reading list.
We spent Monday, June 9, at Holy Hill and had an absolutely perfect day! We prayed the Stations of the Cross as we hiked up Holy Hill to the main church. The students climbed the tower and enjoyed the view from the top. After that, we attended Mass and learned a bit of the history of Holy Hill. It was truly a beautiful day for the 5th graders to enjoy each other and end the year with a special prayerful experience.
Today was our "Mini-fest," formerly known as our end of the year picnic. Due to the rain, we set up in the gym, and with an abundance of parent/ parish volunteers, it was a great, fun day for all. There was a bouncy house, face painting, balloon animals, and lots of games to play. Everyone had a fabulous time! Thanks to our volunteers and also to our 8th graders who came back to help out.
Have a blessed summer! See you in August!